About Us


Hi! I’m Sally Nelson the director of Anza Tena Dream Center and African Children’s Outreach. I am a wife of forty years, mom of four children and grandmother of seven grandchildren.

I grew up in Southern California; but always had a passion and desire to help children and young women. My burden became more focused to reach the children, teens and young women in all of Africa, but especially East Africa.


I have had the opportunity to live in a number of African nations and while living there, my vision of over twenty years was close to becoming to a reality – “to have a primary school, vocational training center and girls home for the poor, orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children, teens and women in Africa”.

My dream did become a reality eleven years ago in 2006. We began with two girls at the “House of Hope” and twenty children at the “Rainbow School.” As of this year, we have seven girls in the “House of Hope”, we have 65-70 students at the “Rainbow School” and in the past year, we were able to establish the “Inspire Vocational Training Center” for young ladies and women, in which we are currently training 28 students. I am very excited and so are they!


Our true vision and mission…. is to assist African children, youth and families; those who are poor, abandoned, orphaned and reside in Nairobi, Kenya region. We fulfill our mission through:
Our primary school: “The Rainbow School”, which is for boys and girls living in Kibera slum. The majority of these students come from single parent homes (where the mothers have very little or no education) are often without family support.
Our vocational center: The current student body which is a part of the “Inspire Vocational Training Center” have had either little education or none at all. They have no means to be self-sustaining or the life skills to gain employment and care for their families. Our hope is to assist them with the needed abilities to be able to gain employment or begin a their own business when they finish our one-year practical program.
Our girls’ home: “House of Hope” is for orphaned and abandoned girls of all ages. These girls desire that they would have a safe, loving, nurturing and encouraging place to call home. All of their spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional will be met at the House of Hope, providing them a hope for a better future.